View Javadoc
1   /* 
2    * Created on Jun 20, 2004
3    * 
4    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7    * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8    * 
9    * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13   * 
14   * Full GNU LGPL license terms :
15   * 
16   * Project : iky-container
17   * Package : net.wmind.container
18   * Author :
19   */
20  package net.mchaplin.ioc;
22  import java.util.List;
23  import java.util.Map;
25  import net.mchaplin.ioc.component.ComponentFactoryI;
26  import net.mchaplin.ioc.component.ComponentI;
27  import net.mchaplin.ioc.exp.ContainerException;
29  /***
30   * Container interface. Components can be
31   * registered & retrieved from a Container,
32   * which manages instances lookup & lifecycle
33   * 
34   * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.DefaultContainer
35   * 
36   * @author
37   * 
38   * $Header: 
39   * $Revision: 
40   * $Date:
41   *
42   */
43  public interface ContainerI extends ComponentI {
45      /***
46       * Register a Component into the Container
47       * 
48       * @param component the component to register
49       */
50      void registerComponentImplementation(Class component);
52      /***
53       * Register a Factory for later use.
54       * 
55       * @param factory the factory to register
56       */
57      void registerFactoryImplementation(Class factory);
59      /***
60       * Component registration. Will try a newInstance() call on it &
61       * register if not already present.
62       * 
63       * @param component the component Class to register
64       * @param simple if true, will try a newInstance() call only. Otherwise, will
65       * 	      introspect potential constructors for already known components
66       * 	      & try to instanciate through reflection
67       * @param type optional, the type to register this instance as. If set, the
68       *             Component will be registered under its fully qualified class
69       *             name
70       */
71      void registerComponentImplementation(Class component, String type);
73      /***
74       * Custom component registration. The factory will be instanciated through a
75       * Factory() Constructor. The component will then be instanciated
76       * through the Factory.retrieveInstance() method
77       * 
78       * @param component the component to register
79       * @param factory the factory to register
80       * 
81       * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.ContainerI#registerComponentImplementation(java.lang.Class,
82       *      java.lang.Class)
83       */
84      void registerComponentImplementation(Class component, Class factory) throws ContainerException;
86      /***
87       * Custom component registration. The factory will be instanciated through a
88       * Factory() Constructor. The component will then be instanciated
89       * through the Factory.retrieveInstance() method
90       * 
91       * @param component the component to register
92       * @param factory the factory to register
93       * @param type the type to register this instance as. If set, the
94       *             Component will be registered under its fully qualified class
95       *             name
96       * @throws ContainerException
97       * 
98       * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.ContainerI#registerComponentImplementation(java.lang.Class,
99       *      java.lang.Class)
100      */
101     void registerComponentImplementation(Class component, Class factory, String type) throws ContainerException;
103     void registerComponentInstance(ComponentI instance);
105     void registerComponentInstance(ComponentI instance, String key);
107     /***
108      * Lookup for to see if a given component is currently registered in this
109      * Container, its parent or sons. Use if you have no knowledge of where the
110      * component is located
111      * 
112      * @param classType
113      *            the Class type to lookup for.
114      * @return the name of the container where a Component instance has been
115      *         found or null.
116      */
117     String lookupComponent(Class classType);
119     /***
120      * Lookup for to see if a given component is currently registered.
121      * 
122      * 
123      * @param classType the Class type to lookup for.
124      * @param where where to lookup the component : here, parent or sons
125      * 
126      * @return the name of the container where a Component instance has been
127      *         found or null.
128      */
129     String lookupComponent(Class classType, int where);
131     /***
132      * Retrieve the first instance in List of given type.
133      * 
134      * @param classType the Class type to retrieve an instance of.
135      * @return an instance of ComponentI, whose Class match classType
136      */
137     ComponentI retrieveComponentInstance(Class classType);
139     /***
140      * Retrieve the first instance in List of given type.
141      * 
142      * @param key the component type to retrieve an instance of
143      * @return an instance of ComponentI, whose full name match key
144      */
145     ComponentI retrieveComponentInstance(String key);
147     /***
148      * Retrieve the first instance in List of given type.
149      * 
150      * @param key the component type to retrieve an instance of
151      * @param location the location of the container where the component
152      * 		  should be retrieved from.
153      * @return an instance of ComponentI, whose full name match key
154      */
155     ComponentI retrieveComponentInstance(String key, String location);
157     /***
158      * Retrieve the first instance in List of given type.
159      * 
160      * @param classType the Class type to retrieve an instance of.
161      * @return an instance of ComponentI, whose Class match classType
162      */
163     ComponentFactoryI retrieveFactoryInstance(Class classType);
165     /***
166      * Retrieve the first instance in List of given type.
167      * 
168      * @param key the key to retrieve associated Factory instance.
169      * @return an instance of ComponentI, whose full name match key
170      */
171     ComponentFactoryI retrieveFactoryInstance(String key);
173     /***
174      * Retrieve a list of registered components for the given key
175      *  
176      */
177     List retrieveComponentInstances(String key);
179     /***
180      * Retrieve a list of all registered components
181      *  
182      */
183     void retrieveComponentInstances();
185     /***
186      * Gives back a Component when you stop using it. TODO : manage component
187      * lock/unlock mode
188      *  
189      */
190     void makeComponentAvailable();
192     void unregisterComponentInstance(ComponentI instance);
194     /***
195      * Return the current state of a Container instance, as formatted text.
196      * 
197      * @return the current Container State as formatted text.
198      */
199     String getState();
201     /***
202      * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.ContainerI#setParent(net.mchaplin.ioc.ContainerI)
203      */
204     void setParent(ContainerI aParent);
206     /***
207      * @return Returns the instanceName.
208      */
209     String getInstanceName();
211     /***
212      * @param instanceName
213      *            The instanceName to set.
214      */
215     void setInstanceName(String instanceName);
217     /***
218      * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.ContainerI#getParent()
219      */
220     ContainerI getParent();
222     /***
223      * @return Returns the registeredTypes.
224      */
225     Map<String,List<ComponentI>> getRegisteredTypes();
227     /***
228      * @return Returns the sons.
229      */
230     ContainerI[] getSons();
232     /***
233      * @return Returns the sons.
234      */
235     void addSon(ContainerI container);
237     /***
238      * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.ComponentI#getContainer()
239      */
240     ContainerI getContainer();
242     /***
243      * @see net.mchaplin.ioc.ComponentI#reset()
244      */
245     void reset();
246 }